Month: May 2020


QuCAT: quantum circuit analyzer tool in Python Mario F. Gely, Gary A. Steele New J. Phys. 22, 013025 (2020)


Flux-mediated optomechanics with a transmon qubit in the single-photon ultrastrong-coupling regime Marios Kounalakis, Yaroslav M. Blanter, Gary A. Steele Phys. Rev. Research 2, 023335 (2020)


Superconducting resonator single-photon spectroscopy through electromagnetically induced transparency Byoung-moo Ann, Gary A. Steele arXiv:2005.01975


Benchmarking the noise sensitivity of different parametric two-qubit gates in a single superconducting quantum computing platform M. Ganzhorn, G. Salis, D. J. Egger, A. Fuhrer, M. Mergenthaler, C. Müller, P. Müller, S. Paredes, M. Pechal, M. Werninghaus, S. Filipp arXiv:2005.05696


Time-resolved tomography of a driven adiabatic quantum simulation Gian Salis, Nikolaj Moll, Marco Roth, Marc Ganzhorn, Stefan Filipp arXiv:2001.05243


Many-body quantum circuits for quantum simulation and computing Samuel A. Wilkinson, Michael J. Hartmann Appl. Phys. Lett. 116, 230501 (2020)